Zero Waste Baby & Toddler Halloween Costumes
Halloween costumes in particular are designed to be single use...made from the cheapest plastic materials and shoddily put togetherAnd that's why we are BIG fans of turning our trash into treasure....
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Is organic fabric really better for the planet?
When I was pregnant with my daughter, the world felt like a land mine that could explode at any moment. The food I ate, the kind of mattress I slept on....it all seemed like it had to be the purest...
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how to tell grandparents you dont want more baby clothes
Grandparents are practically helpless against an overly embellished, highly gendered outfit with a cheap price tag. But if their gifts are more cringe than cute, it may be time for an intervention.
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how to tell your family you dont want baby gifts
You already know how much minimalism improves your life, and you're excited to pass your values along to your new little earthling. There's just one problem...Your family doesn't get it. You don't ...
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Isn't it kind of crazy that something we are so intimately connected to--our clothing--is largely a mystery to us? Before I worked in product design I used to imagine that clothing factories were t...
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Slow vs Sustainable vs Ethical Fashion
Have you heard people throwing around words like "slow" and "ethical" when referring to clothing? What does that even mean? Kinda depends on who you ask, really. There are no official guidelines w...
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5 reasons Grandparents love to gift Beya Made
One of the greatest privileges of grandparent-hood is spoiling your grand-babies, isn't it? And the joy you feel when you see them wearing a new outfit you bought them is one of the best feelings t...
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How to dye stained baby clothes
You’ve washed. You’ve scrubbed. You’ve Tide Pen’d and Shout-ed it out and prayed to the onesie gods…but your baby’s best outfit is still stained.And when you’ve invested in really quality (and cute...
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How to sustainably get rid of outgrown baby clothes
While it can be tempting to just toss those outgrown items in the trash, there are more sustainable options for getting rid of them. Here are some tips for doing just that. And remember, there's no...
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